Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Chicago Town pizza

It was a pretty standard food day today, not much interesting to report I'm afraid. I had my usual weetabix for breakfast, which I've realised have to have sugar on as without they taste a bit like cardboard flavoured mushy peas, not my favourite thing in the world.

For lunch I had a Tesco soup (one of the ones in cartons), it was chicken and vegetable flavour and on offer for just a quid. Considering it will last be two lunches worth of soup I was pretty pleased with my buy. I had it with a crusty, (however very soft on the inside) roll. I liked it a lot and it filled me up all day long.

I met up with a friend for a few glasses of vino after work which was a lovely treat after a particularly busy day. However by the time I got home it was 9.45 and a little too late to cook. Mr P met me at the station and had popped to the chinese take away and the chippy but unbelievably both we shut - can you believe it. It would have been the most romantic thing in the world if Mr P had met me off the train with a steaming hot chow mein, but it obviously wasn't meant to be.

Instead we toddled off home to watch the final football scores come in, and put a triple cheese Chicago Town pizza in the oven with chorizo and mushrooms on top. It was tasty but perhaps not the most culinary of meals.

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