Friday, 7 January 2011

Baked salmon with sweet potato smash and green beans

I haven't written my blog for ages and I've really missed it so I'm going to start picking it up every day again and as this is my 100th post it's a good time to pledge that I will start to blog again daily.

Christmas and New Year was a very busy time on the food front, with plenty of meals out and an abundance of cheese, chocolate and turkey. I also have rather a few bottles of vino over the festive period so I though I could do with a bit of a detox in January, so I have embarked on my first ever diet.

I have decided to do the Rosemary Conley Hip and Thigh diet after my mum suggested it had been a good one for her. Its a good one as I can still eat lots of different foods, its just cutting down on a any fatty products. You can even have two alcoholic drinks a day, which although I won't it'd nice to know that I can.

So today I had a bowl of bran flakes with skimmed milk for breakfast. I've been having this all week as part of my diet and is going well.

Mid morning it was someones Birthday in the office and so they had a cake. It was a really nice Haribo cake, which I've never seen before, but it was really soft sponge with creamy icing. Although I knew I shouldn't I had a slice and I didnt regret it - it was gorgeous!

For lunch I had two ryvita with cottage cheese, a thai flavoured slimmers cup'a'soup (very tasty indeed) and a fat free vanilla yoghurt. I've been enjoying my lunches on this diet as even though they are low in fat it seems as though I am having a decent amount of food.

I was slightly peckish in the afternoon so I had some carrot sticks and celery sticks I had prepared earlier.

Mr P has also embarked on a diet, but we are doing different ones, which is making mealtimes a little frustrating. He is doing the Dukan diet and is currently in the attack phase where he can only eat meat, fish, eggs and non fat dairy products. Tonight I decided to make something we could both eat and then add some carbs and veg to mine.

I put a couple of salmon fillets on top of some foil and scattered a packet of prawns over them. I then added some lemon juice, some capers, some marjoram and seasoned with salt and pepper before closing up the foil into a little package and putting it into the oven at 200 degrees C for 25 mins.

With my salmon I cubed a sweet potato and roasted it for about half an hour. I then added some chillli flakes, a spoon on fromage frais and a squeeze of lemon juice and lightly crushed them so they were half mashed - I think smashed is a giid way of describing that. I served it with boiled green beans. And for Mr P's I poached two eggs.

We both really enjoyed our meals and found them filling, which is a vbery good thing when you're on a diet. I will definitely be making my sweet potato thing again, it was delicious.

I had my first glass of wine this week - a glass of Chilean sauvingnon blanc/pinot grigio. I've never had a blend like this before but I really enjoyed it, very crips and went perfectly with my meal.

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